• Follow These 3 Guidelines When Choosing The Ideal Heating System For Your Needs

    Choosing a heating system for your domestic needs can be more challenging than people think. Most people consult heating systems suppliers and pick whatever the supplier recommends. However, if you do not ask the right questions, the supplier might not know what is best for you. Here are three guidelines to consider when choosing a heating system for your business.  The Fuel Type and Distribution System The fuel type and distribution process matter when you are looking for a heating system.
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  • Troubleshooting Tips For Furnace Draft Problems

    Although nearly all modern furnaces include them, draft inducers are still a relatively new component in the heating world. Old furnaces were relatively inefficient, which meant that the exhaust gases carried away a substantial portion of the combustion heat. Hot gases will naturally rise, allowing them to escape through a simple roof flue. However, higher-efficiency furnaces extract far more heat from the combustion gases. As a result, they require a separate fan motor to induce a negative pressure or "
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  • HVAC: Don't Make These Common Mistakes

    There are some common mistakes homeowners make with their HVAC systems that can end badly. In some cases, those mistakes cause their utility bills to increase. In other cases, those mistakes can lead to serious repair issues or even the need for a new unit prematurely. Here are examples of mistakes you are going to want to avoid and how an HVAC tech can help:  Don't shut some of the registers
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  • 3 Diagnostic Techniques HVAC Contractors Use For AC Repairs

    One of the advantages of hiring an HVAC contractor to perform work on your air conditioning system is to avoid unnecessary labor and expenses buying parts. Many do-it-yourself fixes involve throwing money at a problem and hoping for the best. On the other hand, professional technicians will diagnose your system thoroughly before installing replacement parts. Like any other skilled tradesperson, HVAC technicians rely on a few reliable and time-tested techniques for hunting down the source of an air conditioning problem.
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  • Why You Shouldn't Ignore Short Cycling

    Short cycling is a condition that can affect any HVAC system or nearly any mechanical system. Your heating and cooling equipment typically will run in cycles instead of continuously. These cycles can vary based on conditions and your specific equipment, but your heater will usually only run for part of every hour. The rest of the time, it sits idle. When operating normally, your furnace will begin its heating cycle when the thermostat requests heat and turns off when the interior temperature reaches your setpoint.
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  • A Noisy AC Might Indicate The Need For One Of These Air-Conditioning Repairs

    A noisy air conditioner is annoying, especially when you're trying to sleep at night. Even worse, an AC that's too loud could be signaling there is a problem with a part that's on the brink of failure. When your AC is too loud and you don't know why, call an air-conditioning repair professional for help. Here are some things that might be wrong. When The Condenser Is Too Loud When the loud noise is coming from the condenser, there could be a few reasons why.
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  • 3 Benefits Of Spray Foam Insulation

    Insulation serves an essential function by keeping residences energy-efficient and comfortable. When it's time to add new insulation to your home, you will have a few options available to you. Spray foam insulation is a popular choice because it is durable and offers several advantages over other materials. Here are three benefits of using spray foam insulation in your home. 1. Complete Coverage When foam insulation is sprayed into wall cavities, rafters, and floor joists, it expands to fill every crack and crevice in that area of your home's frame.
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  • Proper Air Conditioning Maintenance Has Many Benefits

    No matter what type of climate you live in, your air conditioner needs regular maintenance. A professional air conditioning maintenance technician should check your unit at least once each year, and you should continue with general maintenance throughout the cooling season. Here are some important reasons to keep up with air conditioning maintenance and some steps to take. A Well-Maintained AC Costs Less To Run Air conditioning maintenance helps your AC to run more efficiently since the parts are all in good working order and the equipment is clean.
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  • AC Failures That Are Often Caused By Summer Heat And Dirty Units

    As the summer weather is beginning to reach record temperatures, your AC might seem like it is running nonstop. This causes a lot of stress on AC systems, which can lead to problems and failures that cause the system to turn off. Therefore, you might need to have some repairs done to deal with the AC problems during the hottest weather. The following AC problems are common failures that start during summer heatwaves.
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  • Advice for Cleaning Dirty AC Condenser Coils

    If your home has an outdoor unit known as a condenser, it will have coils that eventually get dirty. You can clean them yourself, which is important to do so that the condenser is able to work efficiently. Here are some tips that can make this cleaning task a lot easier. 1. Use a Foam Cleaning Product You will have to use a cleaning product on these coils at some point, especially if you've allowed dirt to collect on them for a really long time.
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