• 4 Ways AC Repair Makes Your Air Conditioner More Energy Efficient

    Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities, and one of the most important is keeping your air conditioner in good working order. A well-maintained air conditioner keeps your home comfortable during the hot summer months and runs more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bills. Here are four ways AC repair can improve your air conditioner's energy efficiency. 1. Prevent Strained Unit Operation One of the best ways to keep your air conditioner energy efficient is to ensure it's not strained during operation.
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  • Benefits Of Cleaning Your Furnace

    When the cold starts setting in, you will need to heat your space and create a comfortable space. Thus, you must prioritize furnace cleaning because dust build-up may compromise heating output. So, if you are yet to check on the state of your furnace, hire a heating service expert to clean it as soon as possible. What's more, they will address other underlying issues as part of preventative maintenance. Below are the benefits of cleaning your furnace.
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  • Why Commercial AC Repair Is An Invaluable Service To Companies

    Many factors determine the success or failure of a business, including its location, product, and marketing. However, a snug and functional working environment is also vital for a company's growth. If your establishment doesn't have comfortable temperatures, proper ventilation, and clean air, maintaining a high level of productivity and customer satisfaction will be difficult. It can also result in losses that may hurt its bottom line and make it challenging to get back on track.
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  • When Homeowners Should Hire An Air Conditioning Company

    You can do a lot of great things to keep an AC unit working great and even fix some problems on your own. Then there will be a couple of situations that you need to let the pros deal with. Here are some of those situations to be aware of.  Purchasing a Premium AC Unit You may need to replace your home's AC unit because it may not be working great at all anymore.
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  • Short Cycling In Air Conditioners: Is The Thermostat To Blame?

    Short cycling is a common problem that affects different types of air conditioners and can be caused by a number of underlying problems.  What Is Short Cycling? When an air conditioning system is functioning properly, it will keep blowing cool air into your home until the ambient temperature reaches the temperature you have set your thermostat to. When an air conditioner starts short cycling, it cuts out just a few seconds or minutes after it activates.
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  • 3 Essential Reasons You Should Clean Your Company's HVAC System

    The first thing that comes to most business owners' minds when they think about preventative maintenance is adjusting components and replacing worn-out parts. And while this is an accurate correlation, it doesn't fully encompass what HVAC technicians do during maintenance checks. Another aspect of preventative maintenance that many businesses tend to overlook is HVAC unit cleaning. If you realize that your commercial HVAC unit has always been dusty, read on to learn three essential reasons you should clean your commercial HVAC system.
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  • 3 Undeniable Benefits Of Timely AC Repair

    During the summer months, you'll notice your air conditioner cycling for longer to fulfill your home's increased cooling needs. The hotter the weather becomes, the harder your cooling equipment has to work to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. To ensure your equipment doesn't consume more energy because of this, you should keep it in excellent condition by commissioning timely AC repairs. Allowing your air conditioning technician to address equipment malfunctions early ensures that it doesn't get strained during operation and end up consuming more energy to keep up with your home's cooling needs.
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  • Air Conditioning Installation Services: Why Invest In A Floor Mounted AC

    Before choosing an AC unit for your home, it's crucial to establish your residence's specific cooling needs. This way, you can settle for a piece of equipment that can achieve desired room temperatures without surpassing your home's expected monthly energy consumption. A cooling unit that's the right fit for your home is also guaranteed to serve you well over an extended period, allowing you to push back air conditioning replacement for a couple more years.
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  • 3 Reasons To Get A Pro For A Mini-Split Installation

    Mini-split air conditioners have plenty of advantages, especially if you live in an older home or outfitting a multi-unit rental property. These systems don't require ductwork and come in a wide variety of sizes for cooling nearly any space. However, their seeming simplicity can hide a surprising number of complex problems that may arise during installation. While a dedicated do-it-yourselfer might be able to handle a mini-split installation, it's not a job for the faint of heart.
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  • How Plumbers Fix Leaks In PEX Pipes

    PEX pipes are often recommended because they are easy to install, but also because they tend to be less leak-prone than pipes made from other materials. This does not mean, however, that PEX pipes will never leak. Leaks do still occur from time to time. They most commonly occur at the junctions where two pieces of PEX are brought together and fastened with a metal clamp. How do plumbers fix these leaks?
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