Spring Air Conditioner Upgrade Guide To Help You Prepare Your Home With More Efficient Cooling Before Summer

Posted on: 5 May 2020


If you are tired of the expensive energy bills to keep your home cool during the summer months, it is time to start considering AC upgrades. You may want to replace your system, install a ductless unit, or do upgrades to the ductwork and thermostat. The following spring air conditioning upgrade guide will help you prepare your home for summer with more efficient cooling.

Evaluate Your System And Choose Simple Upgrades Like A New Thermostat and Automation

You may want to start the summer air conditioning upgrades with something simple and affordable. Therefore, you will want to consider upgrading the thermostat. Modern HVAC thermostats can also give you options for automation to make your system more efficient. When you have the thermostat replaced, this is a good time to consult with the AC contractor about other possible upgrades that will help make your air conditioning more efficient before the summer.

Consider Updating The Ductwork In Your Home To Stop Air Leaks And Energy Loss That Is Costly In Summer Heat

You will also want to consider updating the ductwork in your home. This can be something that you may want to do because of damaged ducts with air leaks that cause energy loss. Instead of just repairing the existing ductwork, talk to the air conditioning contractor about upgrading them with more durable and efficient materials.

Options To Upgrade Your Outdated AC Unit With A More Efficient Heat Pump Unit For Your Home

One of the upgrades that you may want to plan before summer is replacing the outdated condensing unit. Today, rather than a common condensing unit, you may want to consider options like heat pumps, which are more efficient and can give you options for efficient heating during mild winter weather to reduce energy costs all year.

Adding Cooling To Your Home With Ductless AC And Alternative Solutions To Keep Your Home Cool

Another option that you will want to consider updating the cooling in your home before summer is adding new systems. These can be additional ductless systems that are added to spaces you use more frequently in summer to reduce stress on your central HVAC air conditioner. There are also options for alternative cooling systems like evaporative cooling, which can provide you with an affordable cooling solution for the summer months.

These are some of the options that you will want to consider when updating your air conditioning before the summer months to reduce your cooling energy costs. If you are ready to start upgrading your AC before summer, contact an air conditioning contractor like Brandon Heating & Air Conditioning.