Is Your Air Conditioner Ready To Hibernate?
Posted on: 30 December 2019
Winter isn't a season associated with air conditioning in most parts of the country, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't put it out of sight and mind. If you have an outdoor AC unit as part of your central air system, there are a variety of things you can do to protect your air conditioner and ensure that it will make it through to the spring with no issues. Here are some winter air conditioning tips to keep in mind.
Don't Let Any Gunk Sit There All Winter
Your outdoor AC unit will pick up some dirt and other gunk over the course of the summer and perhaps into the fall depending on where you live. Before you put it down for the winter, take the time to properly clean the entire unit. Brush the fins, open it up, and clean the fan and all compressor components. The better job of cleaning that you do now, the easier it will be to get things started up again next spring or summer. In fact, letting dirt or other gunk just sit inside your unit for months could make it more difficult to clean or repair later on.
Protect It From the Elements
So you've given your outdoor central air unit a good cleaning. Your next step is to make sure it doesn't get covered in snow, ice, or more dirt during the winter months. You can purchase a plastic cover for a central air unit at most home improvement stores. Unplug the unit and cover it up completely in order to shield it from the elements. If you want to ensure a blizzard doesn't blow the cover right back off, place something heavy down on the ground on top of the cover or on top of the unit itself. Just make sure it's not so heavy that it can damage the unit.
A Full Inspection and Maintenance Check Up Isn't a Bad Idea
While cleaning your AC unit and covering it from the elements is a good way to preserve and protect your air conditioner, you can also take things to another level by bringing in some professional help. A local AC repair or AC maintenance service will give the entire unit a close inspection and they might even do the cleaning for you. Do this early on before the worst of winter arrives and your unit should be good to start back up with no problem once warmer weather returns.